
How to Boost your Wellbeing Lifestyle with CBD + Gratitude

Here’s a great description of wellbeing and an insightful clue on how to boost it.  “Did you know that there’s a gratitude circuit in your brain, badly in need of a workout? Strengthening that circuit brings the power to elevate your physical and mental health, boost happiness, improve sleep, and help you feel more connected to other people.”  – The Upward Spiral, Alex Kolb, PhD.   

But what is gratitude exactly? 

The Latin root of the word gratitude is gratus or gratia — thankful.

Is it a state of mind or a spontaneous feeling?  The Roman philosopher Cicero describes it as “the greatest of virtues”.

However you describe it, how can you add it into your life?

Neuroscience research reveals daily practice of gratitude offers overall improvement in mental and emotional well being thus reducing feeling of anxiety. By consciously  practicing gratitude, we can train the brain to think positive thoughts leaving little room for compulsive worrying and anxiety.  

How do you begin to practice gratitude?

Here’s a sample of 3 gratitude practices.  Which one fits your lifestyle?

  1. Keep a gratitude journal such as the popular THE FIVE-MINUTE JOURNAL recommended by Tim Ferris. (A daily practice by ARC’s founders)
  2. Not the journaling type?  Simply write down 3 things you are thankful for in the morning or at bedtime. 
  3. Begin a Gratitude Meditation. This type of meditation is an ancient practice performed every morning by Buddhists, Native American Elders and Tibetan monks and nuns. Do you have to to sit in a dark room with your eyes closed and chant?  No – you can do it anywhere….while making morning coffee, simply reflect on who or for what you’re thankful.

How does CBD fit into your wellness lifestyle?

Have you heard of the phrases: “the long game”and “the short game”?  Some people say go for the long game. The truth is  there’s a benefit in both.  So what’s my point? Gratitude is the long game which reduces anxiety and fear of the future. Daily CBD is the short  game which reduce anxiety NOW.

CBD works quickly on anxiety and pain with intention and consistency.  According to Dr. Aimee Shunney, Naturopathic Doctor, CBD has an affinity for creating balance within the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). In fact, because CBD is the shining star of the ECS, CBD is at the top of her list when she prescribes natural supplements for her patients with anxiety.

Taking CBD daily and engaging in a daily gratitude practice is a simple formula to improve today and the future you.



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